New Issue of the Ted Hughes Society Journal (Volume 8, Issue 1)

The Ted Hughes Society is pleased to announce the publication of the next issue of The Ted Hughes Society Journal.


This issue features three further articles arising from the 8th International Ted Hughes Conference at Gregynog Hall, and also includes a moving tribute to the critic Al Alvarez who died last month. The papers gathered in this issue are truly international in scope, ranging from explorations of Hughes’s time in Massachusetts and in Cambridge to his engagement with Hindu mythology. There is also an evocative account of a recent walk undertaken by Society members to visit Hughes’s memorial stone, and – in a piece by out-going editor Mark Wormald which will significantly change the ways in which one of Hughes’s most famous poems is understood – the issue also explores his creative engagement with the life and gender of the pike.

This issue of the Journal is open access, and can be found here.