Ted Hughes Books for Sale

The Ted Hughes Society is pleased to announce a new benefit for its members - the chance to purchase rare, out-of-print, difficult to find and just plain useful books on Hughes from other members. The idea behind this new page on our website (which you can find under our 'Research' tab - or just click here) is to enable members to access important books on Hughes which would otherwise be difficult to obtain. International members are particularly welcome to make use of this service, as many of these books are not published or are usually available in all countries.

If you have books which you would like to offer for sale to other members of the Society, please get in touch with us and we'll be happy to list them. But please bear in mind that the purpose of this listing is to make resources available to researchers working on Hughes who might otherwise not be able to access these books, and so we hope all books will be offered at a price with that aim in mind.

Please note that all transactions will be organised by the individuals offering books for sale, and that the Ted Hughes Society accepts no responsibility for these private transactions.


Ted Hughes and the Todmorden Folk Festival

Hughes's work continues to be of great interest to performers in a range of art-forms, and the latest to take on his poetry is folk music. The Todmorden Folk Festival (15th-17th April 2016) will be featuring the world-premiere of Gareth Scott's commissioned piece 'This is from The Remains of Elmet'. A musician from the Calder valley, Gareth's songs will be responding to Hughes's verse, particularly his 1979 collection Remains of Elmet.

Further details of the performance and details about the Todmorden Folk Festival can be found here: http://todfolkfest.co.uk/content/remains-elmet-gareth-scott

New Perspectives Theatre Company - The Tiger's Bones and Other Stories

The New Perspectives Theatre Company are about to embark on a UK tour of their new production The Tiger's Bones and Other Stories: a performance bringing together three of Ted Hughes's plays for children. The tour is running from 20th February to 9th April 2016 and would be well worth checking out for any reader of Hughes, whatever their age. For more information see the New Perspectives website: The Tiger's Bones and Other Stories.

New Ted Hughes Society Journal Issue, Website and Subscription Renewal

The Ted Hughes Society is pleased to announce the publication of the new issue of The Ted Hughes Society Journal (Volume V. 1), which brings together a first collection of outstanding papers from our Sheffield conference, along with reviews of the new books on Hughes and Hughes-related topics recently published. The journal issue is available to Society members now (Volume V. 2 will be published later in 2016).

Along with the new issue of the Journal, we're also happy to launch our new, updated website. The site will feature regular updates and news on Hughes and his work, and will provide an invaluable resource for all readers of Hughes.

Finally, we're also making some small changes to our membership procedure and would like to invite members to renew their subscriptions, and welcome new members who are joining us for the first time. For more details please see the Join section of our website.

Ted Hughes Society Award Announced

The Ted Hughes Society and the Sheffield International Ted Hughes Conference Committee have pleasure in announcing that the winner of the £100 prize for the most outstanding conference paper is awarded to David Troupes (Sheffield University) whose paper, “Putting the Primitive in Primitive Methodism”, will be published in the forthcoming issue of Ted Hughes Society Journal.

Of David’s paper the judges said: ‘David Troupes contributes original research to his reading of familiar texts and combines this with an elegant argument, whilst correcting some confusions around discussions of Methodism and handling contradictory opinions in his sources with thoughtful clarity. This is a mature, original and well structured paper.’