The Ted Hughes Society Journal

A peer-reviewed journal of cutting-edge Hughes research featuring established scholars and new voices in the field.

All articles are copyright of The Ted Hughes Society and all rights are reserved.

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Please note: only Volume 6, Issue 2 of the Journal onwards are open access. For access to back-issues please click this link and enter your Society membership password: The Ted Hughes Society Journal


Volume 9, issue 2 (2024) ISSN 2051-7270 (Download)



Little Cub Hierophant: Shamanic Election, Magical Flight and Ted Hughes’s Protagonist of Crow   Michael Jones

Ted Hughes – ‘No Falsifying Dream’ Mike Sweeting

Ted Hughes, the Chthulucene, the Cyborg and the child audience  Jessica De Waal

Review Article: The Letters of Seamus Heaney  Mark Wormald



Volume 9, issue 1 (2022) ISSN 2051-7270 (Download)




Birthday Letters and ‘The Sorrows of the Deer’ Ann Skea

Ted Hughes and Phèdre: a ‘poetic folie à deux’ Catherine Macnaughton

‘Ironic Tenderness’: Zbigniew Herbert and the Strategies of Survival in Ted Hughes’s Crow Maria Kaminska

The Fourth Man and the XV: John Montague, Barrie Cooke, Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney Mark Wormald



Volume 8, Issue 2 (2020) ISSN 2051-7270 (Download)




‘Owned by everyone’: a Cambridge Conference on the Salmon Mark Wormald

A Prologue to Capriccio Steve Ely

Crow Zero: Leonard Baskin, Ted Hughes, and the Birth of a Legend Peter Fydler

The Key of the Sycamore Steve Ely



Volume 8, Issue 1 (2019) ISSN 2051-7270 (Download)



Editorial Mark Wormald

The Wound that Bled Lupercal: Ted Hughes in Massachusetts David Troupes

‘Right to the source of it all’: Ted Hughes and Dartmoor Richard Hibbert

‘That was our place’: The Cambridge of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath Di Beddow

The Goddess Within: Hindu Symbology in Ted Hughes’s Poetry  Krishnendu Das Gupta

Ted Hughes and the Gender of the Pike Mark Wormald

High Diver: in memory of Al Alvarez Mick Gowar



Volume 7, Issue 2 (2019) ISSN 2051-7270 (Download)



Editorial Mark Wormald

Ovid, Plath, Baskin, Hughes Holly Ranger

Welsh Origins of Ted Hughes’s Magical Poetry Katherine Robinson

‘The Sound of Dante’s Language’: An Alternative Medieval Tradition for Ted Hughes James Robinson

Hughes and Larkin: A Rapprochement? Neil Roberts

Ted Hughes: Etiquette of the Uncanny Martin Shaw

Ted Hughes and ‘Astrological Conundrums’ Ann Skea

Ted Hughes’s ‘unacknowledged debt’ to ‘The Pike’ by Amy Lowell? Terry Gifford

The Ted Hughes Memorial Lectures at ‘Ways With Words’, Dartington Christopher North


Volume 7, Issue 1 (2018) ISSN 2051-7270 (Download)

The Ted Hughes Society Journal VII.1.jpg


Editorial James Underwood

What Did Ted Hughes Learn from Anthropology? Robert Layton

Ted Hughes and the Post-Nuclear Landscape Felicity Powell

Mapping Elmet: The Duality of Hughes’s Calder Valley Ruth Crossley

From Remains to Elmet: A Lexical Study of Hughes’s West Yorkshire Texts Kyra Piperides

The Lyre of Orpheus: Ted Hughes and Nick Cave Peter Fydler

‘A Buried Land and a Blazing Source’: Ted Hughes and William Golding  Nicola Presley

Two Contemporary Poets and the Ted Hughes Bestiary  Daniel Weston



Volume 6, Issue 2 (2017) ISSN 2051-7270 (Download)

The Ted Hughes Society Journal VI.2 .jpg


Editorial Mark Wormald

Hughes’s Notion of Shamanic Healing  Terry Gifford

Hughes and Lawrence Neil Roberts

Like Fury: Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath at Cambridge Heather Clark

Irishwards: Ted Hughes, Freedom and Flow  Mark Wormald

The Parochial Courage of Ted Hughes  Steve Ely

Mayday on Holderness: Ted Hughes, National Service, and East Yorkshire  James Underwood
