‘Recent Publications’: Coming Soon to the Ted Hughes Society website

Have you published on Ted Hughes’s works in whole or in part in the last three years? If so please send full details to the Ted Hughes Society Bibliographer, Danny O’Connor, at d.oconnor2@liverpool.ac.uk

Danny is keeping Keith Sagar’s bibliography up to date for the Society (and inserting items that Keith missed). We intend to maintain a list on this website of recent publications, including web availability of early obscure publications (Terry Gifford’s 1978 essay on the Wodwo play ‘The Wound’ is now available on his website, for example, together with his 2001 interview with Fay Godwin for Thumbscrew) and research disseminated via filmed talks or podcasts.

If you find a publication, talk text, or podcast that we might have missed, do sent details to Danny just in case it might have been overlooked.

Meanwhile Mark Wormald has published an article on Hughes’s images of river entomology, ‘Poetic electrons – Ted Hughes and the wonder of flies’ in Gamefisher 2017, pp. 46-49, which can be obtained by sending a cheque for £10.00 payable to ‘Salmon and Trout Conservation UK’ at PO Box 1301, Maidstone, ME14 9PX (E: hq@salon-trout.org; W: www.salmon-trout.org).

But we would also like to hear from you. So keep Danny informed of upcoming publications.