Online Book Launch - Carrie Smith and James Underwood

Ted Hughes Society members Carrie Smith and James Underwood will be holding an online launch of their new books on Monday, October 25th from 6:00pm-7:00pm.  


Carrie’s The Page Is Printed  is a study of Ted Hughes’s composition methods, which includes a consideration of the physical circumstances - the places, paper, ink, number and variety of drafts - and also the ‘intellectual and creative environments’ in which the poems were made.

James has recently published Early Larkin, a study of the early career of a poet who Ted Hughes held in a warm personal regard, which was not always reciprocated.  Of particular interest is James’s investigation of the schoolgirl stories of Brunette Coleman, a pseudonym of Larkin’s, and how writing these books encouraged Larkin’s ‘interest in everything outside himself’ and ultimately helped the poet discover his distinctive voice. 

If you’d like to attend, please click on this link: